Welcome to the war-torn world of Regicide!
Latest News
We've been working hard to get Regicide ready for a Kickstarter launch in the spring of 2018. Final adjustments and playtesting are underway, and manufacturers and distribution are being sourced. Not long now!
Gaming Respawn have just published an interview about Regicide, find it HERE!
Regicide exhibited at GamesFest 2016 to a fantastic response from the crowd on the day. Many took the time to sit down and play through a full game and offer their feedback.
Artist Credits:
Emily Marsh, Alex Pushkarev & Fabio Rodrigues
"I enjoyed the game and will definitely be backing it when it comes out."
"Simple concept but with a lot of depth."
"Easy to play, but advanced. I would play this with my 8 year old son."
"I liked the terrain interaction... you have a neat amount of options in your hand."
"I'd buy it now if it were on sale!"
Attention artists! Regicide is currently commissiong more artwork. Get in touch via the Contact page for more information.
Some Quotes From Public Playtesters at Gamesfest 2016:
Artist Credit:
Alex Pushkarev